On March 30-31, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, the educational institution 'Belarusian State Medical University' will host VII International Congress 'Dental Implantology – 2023', a republican meeting dedicated to the results of the work of the dental service of the Republic of Belarus for 2022 and its tasks for this year, as well as an international scientific and practical conference 'Day of High Dentistry in the Republic of Belarus – 2023'. The organizers are Belarusian State Medical University and Belarusian Republican Public Association of Dental Specialists.
The program of the scientific forum includes presentations by experts in the field of dentistry from Belarus, Russia, the Republic of Korea, Italy, Israel, which will unite professionals interested in continuous self-development. The lecturers of the congress, meetings and conferences will bring to the audience topical and problematic issues of dentistry.
The purpose of the congress meeting and conference is to exchange scientific and practical experience of dental therapists, orthopedic dentists, orthodontists, dental surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons on pressing aspects of modern dentistry, analysis of the work of the domestic dental service in the past year and identification of the nearest prospects for its development.
Speakers, registered trainees sent from institutions by order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, and members of Belarusian Republican Public Association of Dental Specialists will be issued certificates of improvement of professional training in the specialty (6 hours).
Lyudmila Dedova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Periodontology of BSMU, e-mail: dedova.bsmu@mail.ru;
Strah Polina – Secretary of Belarusian Republican Public Association of Dental Specialists: +375 29 365 12 85, e-mail: 3-kts@mail.ru.
Author: Organising committee
Photo: Organising committee
Translation: Nadezhda Kolyago